Please use this area to let us know what you like, dislike, or would change about the product and/or services in order to better meet your needs in the way you do business. If we ask for more information, please respond in order to ensure your ideas have a better chance of being made a reality!
237 results found
REV CODE for WO Traffic Sales Adjustments
Sales Adjustments in Wide Orbit Traffic are currently hitting an account as a negative "sale" in Matrix. We need the ability to code these Sales Adjustments separately, in a REV CODE, so that we can accurately see the gross billing for an account in a given month. If we can select, or de-select the REV CODE for Sales Adjustments in Matrix, we will be able to accurately see what happened with an account.
1 vote -
espresso shot sent on Saturday and not Monday
Any orders put in on Friday are not reflected on the Monday espresso shot, it makes more sense to send it on Saturday.
1 vote -
User Profile - field for the users TITLE
Most users are Account Executives but it would be great to have a field for title - for those in the Manager Roles ... ideally a drop-down box for consistency, something the local Admin (me) can maintain.
1 vote -
Show our comission
I would like to see all comission from all deals, and imigrations from OSI. We enter our account types in both systems, which sets the comission percentage. Instead of just being able to add ourselves in quick deal I would love to log in every day and see how much I am making/losing to motivate me more and keep myself most informed.
1 vote -
1 vote
download activities
When they download for outlook it should download as an appointment, not a meeting. Sometimes I just want to add the task to my calendar.
1 voteWe’re considering enhancing our integration with Office 365. I’m going to move this to being under review so that we can take a deeper look at it.
Thanks for the feedback!
Mid-day import process
It would be very beneficial to have billing updated from the traffic system mid-day as well as overnight.
1 vote -
List Builder Filter on NOT
In list builder, I would like to add a NOT filter. For example, I want everything with a certain tag but not assigned to a specific sales person.
1 vote -
Share shared reports
Some users no longer with our team created good reports. Although some were shared with me, I would appreciate being able to share them with new users without having to re-create them.
1 voteGood idea. I think I know just the workflow to keep things clean and achieve this through a future enhancement. I’ll post in comments shortly if you’d like to let me know your thoughts.
Date for when deals were last updated should be easier
As a manager, being able to review the date and AE has last updated their pending is a valuable metric. Currently, the only way I can do this is to go by AE/ by account. That is very cumbersome. If it could be BY AE and then WITHOUT drilling in to each acct. a notation of last updated by the acct. it would be so much easier to handle revenue projection (knowing when to drill in and ask questions)
1 voteSounds like you want to know salespeople that have not updated their pending in the last X days which we could achieve as an alert in the system!
I’ll put this under review so that we can dig into it a bit further in the near future.
Thanks for the feedback!
Ability to "cc" other individuals when an account is approved - i.e. sales assistant
Ability to "cc" other individuals when an account is approved - i.e. sales assistant
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Delete shared reports
Outdated reports shared by previous users are in the shared list. It would be nice if they could be removed by account owners.
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create activity from account list
I'd like to have an option in the gear to create an activity for an account. Different from List builder function because it's not multiple accounts and it's not completed. Same from Contact List
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remove shared access
If an AE leaves and all accounts are reassigned, shared accounts remain shared. There isn't a way to filter for accounts shared with this AE and there isn't a way to remove one specific AE from an account that is shared with multiple AEs. thus making unsharing the accounts very tedious. :(
1 vote -
Need more info in the search results
When searching for a contact with the main nav magnifying glass sometimes there are duplicates because two different people have the same name, with out the company name I don't know which one is the one I'm looking for. It would be nice if all of the reulsts had some kind of qualifier on them, Contacts - Company, Accounts - perhaps AE or type, Salespeople -Team, etc.
1 vote -
Prospecting Pipeline Management
When entering prospects, I'd like to be able to better-manage the process within Matrix for leads/prospects that have no dollar amount attached to them. I would like a way to rank closing-potential and have a 1-100 probability scale along with multiple stages of a pipeline to choose from. The Bird's Eye View and/or a report should be able to show at a glance where each of your new business prospects are in the pipeline. This should be integrated with current and pending activities.
1 vote -
Account and Revenue Report
I would like a report that shows the following:
Account, Primary Contact, Primary Contact Phone Number, Primary Contact Email, Revenue TY $, Revenue LY $1 vote -
Deal name on Espresso Shot
In the recently imported section of the Espresso shot I'd like to see the deal name and be able to quickly see what revenue didn't match to a deal
1 vote -
Admin option to require all activities created must have an Account or an Agency to be saved
Salespeople are entering activities without this information and creating incomplete views when reporting. Every activity is with or for some company and should include an Account, Agency, or both values.
2 votes -
Formatting Notes
This is a minor request but it would be fantastic if there were easier ways to read notes on my contacts, account, agencies, and activities.
Right now, no matter how you format the notes, everything runs on one line. I want to create paragraphs, bullet points, bold words, itallicized words, and underlined words to review notes for clients! I get some reports and areas with notes might need to strip that formatting but when i view it on the profile itself I need to see this.
2 votes
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