Please use this area to let us know what you like, dislike, or would change about the product and/or services in order to better meet your needs in the way you do business. If we ask for more information, please respond in order to ensure your ideas have a better chance of being made a reality!
80 results found
Need Ability to Delete a contact/lead
I create a contact/lead and input activities, contact information and then the deal is closed. Billing then sets up the account and does NOT pick up any of the information I have already input and they create a new contact/account. Now I have 2 accounts in the system. I am attempting to delete my original item as there is no revenue associated with that and I am unable to delete stating it is a prospect/lead etc. even though I have deleted all of the information and transposed over to the new account set up by billing.
2 votes -
Add more years to the "yr-Yr Detail" section of the account profile pages
Currently you can only see the current year and the past year. In 2012 when we are working on 2013, we cannot see revenue details that might already be booked for an account in the FUTURE. That's very difficult to see where there might be dollars missing for a particular account at a glance.
7 votesWe have just completed this as part of a larger Account Profile Redesign feature and are excited to announce it will be ready next week!
Be sure to let us know how you feel about it after using it for a few weeks!
Thanks for your patience!
2 votes
In our next mini release you will have the ability to sort the account list by last billed and/or creation date. If you combine this with the already existing filter to only show leads, then you’ll have the ability to get your answers.
Again, not available right now, but in our next mini release in February!
copy projected budgets to forecast by account
Projected budgets are manually put in per account for the year by each AE. Can that number be transferred over to your projections. This would save a lot of time and elimante dublicate work.
11 votesThis is now live for folks on the new budget experience!
While working on a deal, you will have the ability to pull in the budget information with the click of a button. Matrix will replace your deal with the budget values for the entire deal time frame. This is an amazingly fast way to get the baseline of a deal together with minimal effort.
Note that if the button does not display then Matrix was unable to find a matching budget that is suitable for the deal you are putting together.
Thanks for this awesome feedback!
Can you add a column when pulling Accounts that shows the last bill date?
This would be a big help in account management to indicate when an account is inactive and needing purged.
1 voteJust your luck. Coming in our next release!
Access historical spending BROKEN DOWN BY OUTLET on the advertiser or agency page
When we open an advertiser or agency "profile", we should be able to break the historical billing out into the various "outlets". We have a separate outlet that we use for web billing. I'd like to be able to quickly reference that outlets historical spending when I'm looking at the advertiser or agency page.
2 votesConfirmed with the user that the requested functionality already existed wtihin Matrix. Completing this request.
Allow us to add a category to a prospect account
Currently, they display N/A in the Account Details section of an Account Profile
3 votesWe have released this feature with our April 16th update. Editing a Lead or Prospect account will now allow you to also place a category against it. Feel free to check it out in Matrix today!
We are constantly prioritizing and reviewing feedback to pick the next great feature so stay tuned for updates on other requested items in the future :)
2 votes
Please see my comments on working with deals. I have included a quick reference guide for your convenience.
Sorry for any confusion about this feature.
1 vote
We have completed this request and it will be available in our next release. Be sure to check the release notes!
Where can I find the master list of accounts and prospects for my station?
Where can I find the master list of accounts and prospects for my station?
2 votesYou can find the Master List of accounts for all stations that you have access to under the Account List (Lists → Accounts in the green menu)
Once there, click on the Master List toggle in the upper right.
bigger birds eye view
AE's liked the older version of matrix because they could see all thier accounts on one screen and forecast off their account list in matrix. in the new matrix, the birds eye view only shows the accounts that billed last year in the month/quarter. they have a preference to see all of their accounts and would like to forecast in that way. so it sounds like it's a combination of a revenue report and a birds eye view that they are looking for.
3 votesI am gong to assume that the lack of response indicates satisfaction with the newer quick deals functionality within Matrix.
If you still feel strongly about this request as it was originally intended, do not hesitate to let us know and we’ll be happy to look into this again from another angle.
Add "Priority" field when entering lead
Please add a field to the "Add an Account" option, to enter a priority code. This would be from an AE permission level.
Right now, an AE is not able to enter the priority at the time they are creating the Lead. They have to go BACK in after it's approved by management and do so. Our sales manager wants to approve the priority level as well as the lead, so it should be done at the same time.
Thank you!2 votesYou can now add priority when you are creating your lead.
Thanks for the feedback! Hope this speeds up your sales process.
Set a cap or limit on leads and prospects
Matrix Plus had the ability for us to code prospects as targets and extras, with the ability to also cap those. When could I expect that option to be available in the new Matrix?
10 votesWe have created a new alert that can help you to achieve this!
From your Alerts page, create a new alert from the Leads and Prospects Above Threshold Thresholds alert. Here you can set the number of Leads and Prospects a salesperson is allowed to have.
We recommend that you use this as part of your regular one on ones and for salespeople to use this in order to stay out of the crosshairs of your managers!
We will most likely NOT be putting a hard cap on Leads and Prospects after speaking with a number of managers and salespeople. It just opened up a can of worms that could lead to unhappiness and loss of revenue, and we feel managing the experience like this is better for everyone. Hey even the police often let you go over the speed limit by a couple of MPH!
Let stations change a category on an account
We need to be able to change the category on accounts once in matrix
2 votesWe have just completed the development and testing of this feature and are excited to say managers will be able to edit the Categories and Revenue Types on accounts in our next release due out this month.
Thanks so much for the feedback!
Allow an option to filter the account list by category
One of my favorite features of the old Matrix allowed us to look for a complete list that would include all accounts in the category, regardless of whether they are active, billing, pending, or just a prospect. Thanks for your help with this.
22 votesWe have just finished testing a new feature that will allow you to create custom Account, Contact (and in the future Agency) lists.
One of the filterable items is Category among many other fields including City, State, and Zip!
This will be part of our Fall release this year within Matrix Premium so keep your eyes peeled for updates!
If you’d like more information about Matrix Premium, contact our sales team 877.687.9066 or let me know and I’ll connect the right people for you.
Thanks for the great suggestion!
when adding an account, switch the locattion of the stations from selected to available. In other words, it is backwards.
The list of available stations should appear on the left. Whe you select the stations you want, they should then show up on the right.
2 votesWe have just finished testing on this feature. It will be available in the next release.
Thanks for the feedback!
Add a key contact name to Account Profile
There is no field to add the name of the key client contact when entering a new account. I believe listing the key decision-maker would be a vital piece of account information to store in the system.
3 votesIn a future release, we are creating a smart contacts pod as a part of a big Account Profile Redesign that we’re working on.
This allows the pod to recognize the contacts that you deal with most often based upon the amount of times they are on activities.
If a salesperson spends a lot of time with a particular contact, it starts to become clear who the decision makers are on the account without actually having to set that.
We feel that this is a smarter way to let the actions of the salesperson define the decision makers as opposed to assigning a status.
We hope that you and your sales team find this new feature exciting and useful as you continue building up your activities and working with your contacts.
AE's Share their inbox/views/accounts
I have two AE's who are on a transactual team. The cover each others accounts and get paid on total billing between the two. Is there anyway they can view each other?
14 votesWe have just completed testing this feature and will have it available to you sometime in early Q4 2013 along with some other awesome features that we’re finishing up as we speak
The process of sharing an account is initiated by a manager who grants access to the AEs who need to see each others information. Once access is granted, everyone sharing the account can see each others information from Contacts to activities to Deals and revenue.
Please note this is not revenue sharing. Unless broken out in your traffic system, Matrix will continue to report the revenue under the user that comes from traffic. This might change in the future, but for the first phase expect it to work like that.
Thanks for your patience while we worked this out over the quarter. It was a huge effort and we’re excited to share it with you all. If you’d…
LAST USE OF ACCOUNT visable to all
We need to have a last activity system
like notes, are vewable and unchangable. this gives a quick overview of who is using the system as well. Other reps can see that on the master list to see who is not working accounts or at least logging info in case they want to take something over. there is still a reps privacy there but enables people on multiple levels to use that simple piece of info for several things.
19 votesWe have finished testing this feature to add the last activity dates to the Master Account List. This experience will be similar to what you have in Mobile and we can’t wait to share it with you in our April release!
Along with seeing the completed last activity, you can see if a future activity is scheduled. This will definitely make your prospecting better and hopefully encourage everyone to enter their activities into Matrix in order to turn around sales faster than ever before. You don’t want to be the guy not entering or completing your activities now!
Thanks for the feedback, and again this will be out in our April release.
The ability to "request" account ownership
Account Executives would be able to request ownership of an unclaimed account. Would make the process much easier on both account executives and managers who would have to manually move the accounts around.
0 votesSalespeople have this functionality today via the Prospecting link on the left. Search for specific accounts, accounts without recent billing in a specific category of business, accounts that are potentially churning. Once you find the account you're looking for you can request it be reassigned to you and the manager that oversees that outlet's decisions will be alerted to your request where they can approve or deny from the same Prospecting page.
Let us know how it works for you!
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