Need Ability to Delete a contact/lead
I create a contact/lead and input activities, contact information and then the deal is closed. Billing then sets up the account and does NOT pick up any of the information I have already input and they create a new contact/account. Now I have 2 accounts in the system. I am attempting to delete my original item as there is no revenue associated with that and I am unable to delete stating it is a prospect/lead etc. even though I have deleted all of the information and transposed over to the new account set up by billing.

AdminRyan Moore (Product Owner, Matrix) commented
Deleting a Contact is controlled by permissions. You can check your permissions in My Profile under the Permissions tab.
Deleting a Lead is available to everyone that can create a lead. The only stipulation is that you cannot delete a lead if it has an Activity and/or Contact attached to it.
Your example, however, is different. Because the imported order/amount from traffic did not match the way you entered the Lead, Matrix cannot make a positive identification and connect the newly imported revenue to your historical Lead/Activities/Contact information. In a case like this you need to request that your account be merged.
Please send an email to and mention the account you originally created (the lead) and that you want it to be merged into the new billing account. If you state the exact names of each and what you want done, our Virtual Sales Assistant will clean things up for you automatically and you will never again need to manually transfer data.