Closed WON the business. Answered NO to remove it. Shows up in pending for one day, then removed without me entering the order.
Please see my comments on working with deals. I have included a quick reference guide for your convenience.
Sorry for any confusion about this feature.
AdminRyan Moore (Product Owner, Matrix) commented
It's the next data import, period. It's not the next data import that contains the dollars you created that deal for. We have no way to 100% confidently connect that deal to an order in traffic.
ex: you may have 2 for a regular spot buy, and one for a special project that you are promoting. The import brings in dollars for the account the next day. Which deal should we remove the pending for?
If you let the dollars import without closing ahead of time, Matrix can recognize the dollars were imported and then you can close the specific deal for those imported dollars via the My Deals pod on the Bird's Eye View. We bubble those deals up to your attention for easy closing.
Does this workflow make sense?
Steve Boyer commented
"If you choose No, be aware that in some pods, the deal name will be present, and appear in italics until the next data import."
I choose NO, it appeared in italic in pending, then was gone the next day. The order had not been entered.
AdminRyan Moore (Product Owner, Matrix) commented
That is exactly how closing deals works in your scenario.
Here is the link to the QRG that explains working with Deals within Matrix.
The section on closing a deal is on Page 3 on the right column.
"If you choose No, be aware that in some pods, the deal name will be present, and appear in italics until the next data import."
General rule of thumb is to not close a deal until the order has been entered and is expected within matrix within 24hrs or if the revenue can already be displayed within Matrix.
If you have any questions, please call our support line at (877)687-9066 and we'd be happy to discuss this with you.
Sorry for any confusion.