Keyword search (update list searches to contains instead of starts with)
When searching through Personal and Master Account Lists - It would be nice if Matrix allowed keyword searching. If I have the account : Riki Tiki Escalator Shack. I would like to be able to just type Tiki or Escalator and immediately be shown a list of accounts with either and/or. Instead of having to type out - Riki Tiki Escalator Shack in full.
In another example: The Law Offices of Virginia, The Law Offices of Barry, The Law Offices of Gerard, The Law Offices of Peter, The Law Offices of Pikachu. I would like to keyword search just, Virginia or Barry and get a list of all accounts that have specific keywords in place.

We have just finished testing on this feature. It’s just as fast as ever with the added searching capabilities!
We are still on track for getting this out as part of our winter release so keep your eyes peeled for information from us about the future!
Thanks so much for your patience, I know this one has been a long time coming :)
Brittney Gray commented
Would love to see this update on our version.. I just had this problem. When I added an account to the system after searching for it, the AE who was calling on the same business had spelled the name wrong, so we ended up calling on the same person! A little bit awkward!
Sherry Lappin commented
Is there a way to have the phone number the priority when looking up an account? As it stand, account executives are able to put in duplicate accounts with the same name address and phone number as current leads, prospects and billing accounts as other reps. If it is forced to look up by phone number it will be easier to tell if it is taken, and will not allow you to build another account for one that is existent in the system and will prevent duplication and confusion.
Jeffery Knauss commented
This idea is essential for our AEs. They need to be able to search "Smith" and find "Dr. Smith" "Doctor Smith" "The Medical Offices of Dr. Smith" and "Smith Podiatry".
Hunter Wright commented
I agree with what Frank said. I have already called on accounts claimed by other AEs with the new system because the order of the wording in Matrix was slightly different from what I typed. being able to search contained words instead of starts with would drastically help in keeping this from happening.