Create a report to find accounts that are billing for one outlet or group of outlets but not for the other outlets
It would be very helpful to find accounts that are billing only on one outlet or group of outlets, that could easily be billing on other outlets as well. For example, I'd like to find all the accounts that are only billing on the broadcast outlets. Then we could pursue revenue from those accounts for the digital outlets as well.
We have just completed this request. It is part of Matrix Premium and allows you to select one or more outlets in order to easily see who is not purchasing them. You can also see who’s selling them elsewhere and where they are buying.
If you are interested in learning more about Matrix Premium, please email and they will be more than happy to give you a call and/or send out more information about this awesome new functionality along with our New Business and Account Retention dashboards (and much more!) found within Matrix Premium.
Thanks so much for your input on this great idea! Hope to see you in Matrix Premium soon!