Microsoft Outlook Sync
I would like to be able to sync my Microsoft Outlook Calendar automatically. It would be great if it would go both ways.
Share calendar between people and mobile devices. Much like icloud or the old mobileme which would sync any calendar changes no matter the device it was changed on.

We’ve wrapped up development on this feature a while back, and here’s what you can expect!
1. You will be able to create activities in Matrix that will translate into Events in Office 365.
2. You will be able to create Events in Office 365 (Events are what Microsoft calls the “things” on your calendar) that translate into Activities within Matrix as long as they are not marked as Private.
3. If you use Office 365 and do not wish to or cannot use an email client like Outlook, then Matrix will allow you to initiate an email with To, CC, BCC, Subject, Body, and Attachment functionality. If you have Office 365 but you still use a client (very popular and great choice!) then you’ll still be able to use Matrix just like you do today for emails.
Keep in mind we are definitely saying Office 365 and not just any old version of Office. This is because Microsoft is making it harder and harder to use anything but Office 365 and we are preparing for the future with this…especially when they offer a plan that allows you to download physical applications to your computer. Secondly they create all of the necessary APIs for this type of functionality to happen when it comes to Office 365 since it’s a cloud environment.
Thanks for your patience on this one!
Jared Mack commented
I did some major work in matrix with putting in activities, but my outlook was not working at the time so I couldn't download the activities and convert them over. Now my outlook is working, but Matrix does not have a batch process to move these Activities over into Outlook appointments.
This is frustrating because if an AE is doing work on a computer that say don't have outlook, that can really cause a waste in time.... in this biz, TIME IS MONEY
Margaret Adriatico commented
I agree and have heard this request from many of our Account Executives. They would also like to be able to change the activity (i.e. meeting date or time) in Outlook and have it update in Matrix. Finally, they would also like to be able to add other attendees when creating the activity in Matrix.
Anonymous commented
Can we support Apple Calendar as well?
Anonymous commented
Hi Ryan -
In my previous application my contacts and calendar entries were able to push from Outlook to my application rather than from Matrix down to Outlook.
AdminRyan Moore (Product Owner, Matrix) commented
How often do you have multiple emails, multiple addresses, etc? What are the etc? Can you give an example of the type of contact that would have these multiple items and how you use them during your day to day business?
What other trouble do you have with Contacts in Matrix? It sounds like there may be more that you aren't specifically stating.
Knowing things like this helps us to enhance Matrix so that it is the center of your customer world since it is a Media CRM tool that tightly integrates into daily activities, forecasting, and general account management.
AdminRyan Moore (Product Owner, Matrix) commented
What are you looking to pull from Outlook? Being a Media CRM solution, Matrix should be at the center of your world when it comes to customers.
Currently you can export contacts from Outlook and import them into Matrix. It is most beneficial to export from Outlook soon after getting access to Matrix and then import those contacts into Matrix. From there on out, Matrix would then be used as the primary CRM of choice due to its tight integration with activities, forecasts, and general contact information.
Outlook can also read in your activities from Matrix and add them to its own calendar, but the key is to create those activities within Matrix in order to have a total customer story between the Activities, Deals, Contacts, Notes, and other pieces of information available within Matrix.
You can also send emails to Matrix from Outlook via your unique Matrix email address (located on the My Profile section within Matrix).
Hunter Wright commented
I agree with the above post. There needs to be a way to sync both ways. Having to manually transfer current contacts from Outlook to Matrix is tedious and archaic. When putting in new contacts the best option right now is to start entering data in matrix export it to outlook then finish filling in the information in outlook that could not be entered in matrix (multiple emails, multiple address, etc.) As it currently stands I don't see enough cause to warrant the trouble to input contacts into matrix.
The same arguments apply to the calendar sync as well.