allow me to choose the date range on reports
You only allow me to see month plus two, but I would like to be able to choose my date range. For example, if I want to see my commission for an entire year on the commission estimate report, I feel I should be able to do that if I've taken the time to input the commission. Same goes for other reports like Activity or Deal where I want to see July - June for a particular initiative that our station is doing around forecasting

This is being marked as completed because we have been prototyping internally and have arrived at a solution that we are very happy with.
This solution is NOT yet in production as we are continuing to update the new reporting engine with functionality and porting over existing reports. No firm date has been set, but we are actively working on reporting changes and will release updates as stable milestones are hit.
Susan Angel commented
Choosing different Timeframes (Years/months) as 1 total
Melanie Brightwell commented
It has been nearly two years since this idea entered planning status. These changes were not released in 2014 nor the first half of 2015. What is the anticipated roll out date, please?
Melanie Brightwell commented
Allow users to define date ranges combining months and/or quarters as needed for client operations and budget reporting.
Melanie Brightwell commented
Add the ability to run by selected date range and break into multiple quarters and/or months. Include yearly totals.
Beth Worsham commented
I want to look at account billing totals from Jan-Sept 2014 compared to what is forecasted for 4Q to be sure our AE's aren't missing new billing that wasn't on last 4Q...but has been spending at some point this year.
On the forecast report, I would like to show the variance between LY final billing and what is forecasted for the account.
Thank you!
Anonymous commented
Hi -
I would like to be able to select a rolling year when doing my reporting within Matrix. For example, if I am running a Ranking Report I would like the option to review the next 12 month (current month plus next 11).
Paul Briggs commented
It would be great if the user can select the compare year e.g. Current year is 2013, but I want to see how the same account ranked in 2011.
Right now, you need to include ALL, then change the year to 2011, have order by NAME, and then export. But you are not done yet...copy and paste this list and compare it to the first report...long store short, we should not need to do this!
Any input about making this report more dynamic would be wonderful.