Allow modifications after a deal has be selected as "won"
I just attempted to revised the monthly billing and the account is locked. I want to forecast as accurately as possible.

We have just finished testing this feature and I’m happy to say it will be a part of our January release! Finally you will be able to edit deals for make goods and credits so that you can be better informed next year when reviewing historical deals :)
Thanks again for this great idea!
AdminRyan Moore (Product Owner, Matrix) commented
Technically, anything closed no longer reports the pending amounts on reports. Once closed, we use booked dollars from traffic. The forecast reports only look at deals that are pending in order to report the pending to forecast, and not deals with a status of closed/proposed.
ex: if you closed a deal today for $500 in June, and then halfway through June you found a cancellation would make it $250...then the original $500 is not even considered. The amount imported from traffic will already adjust the amount down to $250 assuming the change was made in traffic and imported.
Closed deals are a great source to refer to when putting in future deals so that you can refer to your experience with similar historical deals in hopes of making the current one a quicker sale!
I will merge this request into other similar feedback items.
Don't hesitate to call our support number at (877)687-9066 if you need further clarification on how deals are reported.
cathy simpkins commented
should be for closed lost too