Please use this area to let us know what you like, dislike, or would change about the product and/or services in order to better meet your needs in the way you do business. If we ask for more information, please respond in order to ensure your ideas have a better chance of being made a reality!
54 results found
Top Down Forecast Report - Nexstar
Nexstar is asking for an additional calculation on the TD forecast report. Difference between the forecast and TD forecast.
1 voteThis has been completed and the Topdown Forecast Report can now show you the $ and % TD FC to FC.
Thanks for the feedback!
Be able to enter pending deals and select from a drop down menu a specific sales package or project that is being pitched.
Be able to enter pending deals and select from a drop down menu a specific sales package or project that is being pitched.
3 votesYou can now update your deals while on a project as well as your projects while on a deal!
This aids in streamlining the workflow to allow salespeople to work form either location without the need to go to both locations when updating your spot forecast as well as your pitched projects.
Ability to add Deals for a Quarter
Ability to add Deals for a Quarter Ex: $45,000 for Q4 2020 rather than breaking out each month of the quarter $10,000 October, $15,000 November & $20,000 for December
1 voteThis exists today as a Split amount on a deal. When entering yoru deals, be sure to use the menu option on the side and choose “Split” then select the months that you want example Oct, Nov, and Dec for Q4 and put in yoru total amount of say $45,000 instead of typing in each month individually. This will then split the amount evenly between the months.
Take notice, however, that this may have negative impact on how we reconcile a deal and may require you to take greater effort in manually zeroing out a deal as we reconcile monthly instead of quarterly (which we have a request to do as well).
Threshold for clearing extra pending
We are constantly struggling with extra pending remaining on deal that have otherwise reconciled because and order came in for less. It would be great if we could set a threshold where small leftover amounts were automatically cleared by the system instead of waiting for the user.
1 voteThis is now a feature in the product that we've noticed is starting to really cut down on unnecessary usage and we can't wait for everyone to try it out. Reach out to your Matrix Success Manager for more info and configuration options.
Top Down Forecasting
Ability to view week-over-week forecasting so I can see past weeks trends. And the final revenue.
1 voteThis has been completed and the Topdown Forecast Report can now show you the TD FC Change Since amount.
Tie Projects to Deals
Please tie Projects to Deals so that the AEs don't have to input amounts pending twice to track
1 voteYou can now update your deals while on a project as well as your projects while on a deal!
This aids in streamlining the workflow to allow salespeople to work form either location without the need to go to both locations when updating your spot forecast as well as your pitched projects.
Automatically populate Outlet & Rev Type combination on deals
Automatically populate the Outlet & Rev Type combinations on deals so that i can't pick a rev type that shouldn't go with that Outlet.
2 votesWe have completed the functionality that allows you to have a better relationship between the Outlets and Rev Types so that deals only allow you to select Rev Ty pe approved for the Outlet chosen. Reach out to your Success Manager for help with this as it does require admin functionality to execute.
Thanks for the feedback!
Add quick deals back to Account List & Quick Deal Preferences
Add quick deals back to Account List so I can add a deal to every account with one simple click. Additionally, add quick deal preferences for deal lines to automatically appear when adding a quick deal.
1 voteQuick deal has been added back to the Account List. You'll see this in our next release.
Quick Deals and Deals share the same preferences for which rows will appear when you create a new deal so be sure to visit your Preferences page in order to setup the proper rows that you need on most of your deals.
Thanks for the feedback!
Deal Details Pod should be sticky
Leave the pod how I last touched it
1 voteWe have changed the name of this section to the Deal Summary and have made it sticky. Now if you expand the Summary and navigate away, it will be expanded on any deal that you return to in the future. If you then collapse it and navigate away, it will be collapsed when you return.
You should be seeing these changes Q1 2022 so stay tuned to upcoming release notes!
Estimated Closed Date for Fiscal Year
The Estimated close date is showing 11/01/18 and can only enter Pending in the deal for the month Aug and forward for 2019 due to Fiscal Year starts in July. It can be confusing. Thank you!
1 voteMonarch has been updated with new Fiscal Year changes.
These changes are not planned for the previous Matrix Web product, but most groups are in talks of upgrading with our Success team here at Matrix.
We’re actively rolling out calendar conversions to those that need them on Monarch. Thanks so much for your feedback!
Deal page - set default to Team
As a manager, it would be nice if the deal page is set to "Team" instead of "Me" by default
1 votethis has been completed in a way that we will remember your last selection so the next time you use this page, set it to Team and we’ll display it each time until you change it.
We have done the same with the Duration portion of the Timeframe control.
Thanks for the feedback!
Report Forecast by Sales Stage
I want to see my pipeline on a report like the Forecast Report for instance
1 voteSales Stage is now a hierarchy and a filter on the Forecast Report.
Thanks for the feedback!
Have the ability to go into the Deal setup from the Performance page
When on the performance page looking at a full month….if there is pending money, that account has a green dot before it which you can click and quickly be taken to the deals page and update all months
For the accounts that don’t have any revenue pending, wouldn’t it be convenient to have a different colored button before the account name that you could also click and go right to deals?
Changing deals appears to be simple….adding a deal takes too many steps.1 voteWe have implemented the ability to update and create deals from the Sales Outlook (which was formerly part of the Performance page, now merged into Home as a data card).
You’ll now see Green dollar sign buttons to indicate when a deal exists that you can edit, or gray dollar sign buttons to indicate no deal exists with the ability to create one.
Thanks for the reminder that this was an incomplete workflow without it!
Notification when a Deal is Closed
Contacted the help desk about this, and currently there isn't a way to get notified when a Deal is closed, only setup an Alert to celebrate Deals that were closed before the est. close date.
This would be a great feature, so I can keep track of my AE's activity on this front.
1 voteWe just wrapped this up and pushed it out as a part of a new feature that we call “The Feed”.
The Feed is a notification area at the top of your screen that lets you see things like the Deals that were won this week as well as other useful information like Advertisers that are being requested to be reassigned or deals that have not been updated in some time.
At the moment The Feed is currently experiencing some technical difficulties and we had to disable it, but we expect that this will be turned back on within a week and providing you this type of information.
Thanks SO much for letting us know that you care about these kind of problems!
deal management editing
on the deal management page - it would be great to pick the months so that when all deals list - you can know the monies there are for the month/quarter you are referencing - vs - opening each deal and managing from there
1 voteThe new Deals page in Monarch allows you to filter the view by a time frame. The returning deals will only match for the time frame selected.
Ex: if you want to only work on deals for the next quarter, then set the timeframe to that and work through those deals. That doesn’t mean that the are ONLY in the next quarter, just that they are deals including at least 1 month in the next quarter.
Hope this helps! Thanks for the suggestion!
win/loss ratio for Deals
Currently there is no closing ratios for Deals by sales person within Matrix. This is very good information to have as it allows the Mgr to see potential sticking points earlier vs. later.
1 voteThis functionality currently exists within Matrix. I’m going to have a member of our support team reach out to you and share some info about the Sales Stage Report. It’s a really awesome report to help you identify where salespeople are falling down on deals, where you might want to coach them back up, and what their win/lose ration looks like as a percentage.
Hopefully this is exactly what you want. If not the support rep will let us know.
Thanks so much for your feedback!
Deal Management Notes
Deal Management screen - Notes - Add a Date/Time User stamp (Currently shows how much time has passed
1 voteNotes on deals now show date/timestamps in addition to the creator and the content.
Shared accounts - for the user that the account is being shared with to be able to add deals under their name, instead of owner of account
Shared accounts - for the user that the account is being shared with to be able to add deals under their name, instead of owner of account. Currently, the sharee can only add deals under the owners name. We would like it if the deal the sharee adds shows under their name. This is an urgent request for KUSI.
1 voteWe have completed work on a new way to handle sharing accounts which includes deals.
You can now have Shared Access to accounts which will allow you to create your own deals! Keep in mind that if the revenue does not come in that way from the traffic/billing system that you will need to manually reconcile your deals.
This is great for organizations that have someone that is like the digital specialist and works with nearly everyone on the sales team, but may not be out prospecting new business on their own.
Manager Deal Preferences
A manager should be able to select on an AE's Deals and the MGR or the AE's Deal Preferences should populate the Deal. It does not.
Thank you!
1 votePreferences are once again pulled in by the account owner when creating a deal as a manager.
Ex: on the Deal Management page, clicking onto an account while expanding a salesperson will put that salesperson’s preferences onto a new deal created.
Shifting pending from one month to another month
I would like to be able to shift the pending from one month to another month without re-enter the pending$. For example, if I have a deal for January and then I want to change that to the month of February. The dollar amounts get deleted from January but we have to go in and enter the dollar amounts for February again. This is the added work that should NOT be required.
1 voteA copy pending option exists for each detail row. Click on the paper/copy icon and you’ll be presented with a few different options for manipulating pending in timesaving ways. In using your example…this will allow you to copy the pending from January and place it into any other month on on the deal. You can then change your timeframe, zero our the previous month, or modify the deal as you see fit afterwards.
Thanks for your feedback!
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