Shared accounts - for the user that the account is being shared with to be able to add deals under their name, instead of owner of account
Shared accounts - for the user that the account is being shared with to be able to add deals under their name, instead of owner of account. Currently, the sharee can only add deals under the owners name. We would like it if the deal the sharee adds shows under their name. This is an urgent request for KUSI.
We have completed work on a new way to handle sharing accounts which includes deals.
You can now have Shared Access to accounts which will allow you to create your own deals! Keep in mind that if the revenue does not come in that way from the traffic/billing system that you will need to manually reconcile your deals.
This is great for organizations that have someone that is like the digital specialist and works with nearly everyone on the sales team, but may not be out prospecting new business on their own.