More Functionality with Projects tab
For Projects, it would be nice to have the ability to add notes about an entry specific to that project.
Also, we need to be able to pull a Projects Report that shows accounts that have been pitched/sold/not interested. right now, we can pull a report that lumps everything together but does not itemize by accounts and dollars.
We have completed this work with a new and improved Projects experience in Monarch. We’re soft launching this right now and would love to get your organization on board with it!
Either way, we’ll be doing a full roll out in early 2020 so if you want to take an official dive after the holidays that’s fine too.
Thanks for your input!
Anonymous commented
This is vital. It more than just nice. How many intricate NTR and New Business projects involve solid research time (market spy and Kantar are basic) digigital targeting, creating story boards, and in depth research to get on track to create CNA questions that are relevant to the marketing decision maker to take me beyond the proposal... to a marketing campaign that delivers results. I constantly have a dozen projects like this. An entry point for the AE in this software for projects does not currently exist.