Account Reassignment Submission Request
It would be helpful if Account Executives could submit requests to Managers for Inactive Accounts to be reassigned to them or Accounts assigned to them be moved to Inactive.
We’ve deployed the first iteration of this to our Monarch product. We’ve received a lot of great feedback that we’re still gathering, prioritizing, and planning exactly what will go into future releases.
Thanks for letting us know how important this is to you all!
Keith Donovan commented
How difficult would it be to have the ability for AEs to flag/tag Accounts that need moved off their list? The current process is to download my list to Excel, highlight the Accounts that need moved, and email them to my Manager.
It is 50/50 that they will proceed in actually moving these Accounts off my list because they get so many emails p/day that it usually gets lost, and forgotten.
Having this built into Matrix, they Manager will have an indicator that this still needs done. I hate going outside of Matrix, and would rather do all this within.