Remove default of "Adult Entertainment" from Deal Details
When you are entering a new deal for an new account that you have just set up and does not yet show up as an account in Wide Orbil, the category of the account in Deal Details is defaulting to "Adult Entertainment".
Please review my comment/explanation for why this is happening and what our plan is to correct this concern.
We have just finished testing this and are hoping to have this addressed in the upcoming month as part of our next exciting upgrade!
Thanks for sharing your concern with us.
AdminRyan Moore (Product Owner, Matrix) commented
Let me explain why this is happening first...
This is happening because it is the first category within Matrix, alphabetically. Because the account doesn't have a category (not set with prospects) Matrix defaults to the first category it finds.
Now let me explain how this is getting fixed (as we speak!)
If the prospect exists elsewhere in the system as a billing account from any other user, we will try to use their category for the account (the assumption is since it is billing that it is more correct). If no other account exists for any other user by the same name, then we will place "N/A" as the category.