Merged cells on Excel downlods - LOSE THEM!
Hey guys - merged cells are a pain in the butt when manipulating excel files - when you download a report the more basic it is the better - lose the merged cells ( due to the titles on top, ect )
This is completed, however I need to explain a bit…
Under the current reporting in Matrix Standard, the reporting engine used is unable to perform this request. However, we changed our engine with Matrix Premium and exports from there now function the way requested here.
We are examining our current priorities and are are considering changing the existing reports to use this new engine as well in the future, but I do not have enough concrete information to share with you at this time.
Thank you for this request and we hope to see you in Matrix Premium in the near future to take advantage of this and other exciting new features like Account Retention and Sales Coverage dashboards! If you’d like more information about Matrix Premium, please email
Mackenzie commented
Very excited to hear this is in the future !
Mackenzie commented
For example: Multi Year Sales History Report (also Sales Revenue)
When you export it to excel you will have an Account on one line and hten the year and totals on the other.
For instance:
ABC Cleaners
2012 $5,000Because of this you cant sort in excel. ALSO because of the spacing you cant hide rows without screwing up the format.
So by "Single line" i mean that everything should have column or row with information in it
ROWS = 123456i can send you how i have reformatted one manually but it takes a while to get the correct columns without deleting information you need
AdminRyan Moore (Product Owner, Matrix) commented
Can you define what "single line ready" means?