Quickly edit the Account Priority
As I am changing my priority code for accounts I was thinking it would be a smoother process to have the pencil next to the priority code and then have a drop down of the different priorities.

We are just wrapping up development and starting real user testing for the way that priorities work in our Monarch product in a way that kind of makes this no longer valid.
However, I want to share what that means :)
You can expect to place a priority by Outlet in the near future. This means the Account may be Key for a Broadcast station and a Target for a Digital station that you’re still working on.
Along these lines we’ll also be allowing you to prospect on an existing billing account but..shhhh…don’t pass that around. Just kidding, tell the world! We’re extremely excited to be starting our Account and Agency overhauls earlier than expected!!!
If you’re not on Monarch, now would be a great time to inquire about the upgrade! :)