Please use this area to let us know what you like, dislike, or would change about the product and/or services in order to better meet your needs in the way you do business. If we ask for more information, please respond in order to ensure your ideas have a better chance of being made a reality!
5 results found
Send a Global Broadcast Message
Recently an Account merge was done where the new name was completely different than the original e.g. America's Best Contacts was merged into "National Vision, Inc". Only Corporate knew about this, and this caused several AE's to notify me that "America's Best Contacts" was missing.
It would be great if there was a "Broadcast Message" pod within Matrix that would list any "IMPORTANT" notices to all the Managers. Even have a bubble show, like it does for Lead Approval. Anything that would cause the Manager to view the notice.
3 votesThis sounds like a great case for our new Alert Engine! Imagine, if you will, having the ability to know when one of your Accounts was renamed, merged, or grouped in the last 7 days or so.
I’m going to pass this along to our development team for review to make sure that we plan for a case like this in our backlog of future development.
Thank you!
Customize a Data Card to see only the persons (AEs, or Manager)
Select specific people on your team, and be able to customize a Data Card with the information needed only for that specific group of people.
2 votesWe would like a little bit more information on what you’re trying to achieve or specific data cards that you are using for prioritization purposes.
Thank you!
Save Project as Data Card
It would be great to have the ability to save a particular Project as a data card on the Home page. This would allow the user to access the Project more quickly.
1 vote -
Data cards - Manager and User View Toggle
When viewing Data Cards, If the user is a MGR, allow for the MGR to choose to look at his information only and not the whole teams
1 vote -
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