Booked Dollars not showing on the Project Report
I am very disappointed that Matrix Project report does not include actual booked dollars. In MatrixPlus this was very helpful to see side-by-side the pitched/sold $'s vs. what was actually booked.
Please tell me that you do have plans to have this added in the near future?!
This is not something that we plan to take on in the future with Projects. However, projects are being rewritten from the ground up and will have a much different feel from anything we’ve done in the past. From creation, to updating, to reporting we’re touching everything.
This will be out before the end of 2019 and we encourage you to take a look and provide feedback once enabled for your group.
Thanks for letting us know about your experience!
AdminRyan Moore (Product Owner, Matrix) commented
Let's say that it did have the booked dollars on it.
You pitched, $10,000 for an upcoming event and got it.
the customer was already spending $40,000 for the month on other typical advertising + this new $10,000 for the projectMatrix would display $50,000 booked for a $10,000 pitched project. How would you distinguish the revenue between regular business dollars and project dollars? We built in the 3 statuses of Pitched, Sold, and Note Interested to make up for that lack of data which causes it to be a fully manual process and will be the first to admit it's not a perfect process.
I'd love to make it better, but need input on how you might propose it be done (hopefully without manual intervention!). Do you use a particular revenue type to denote projects?
Hope to hear from you soon!