Admin option to require all activities created must have an Account or an Agency to be saved
Salespeople are entering activities without this information and creating incomplete views when reporting. Every activity is with or for some company and should include an Account, Agency, or both values.

AdminRyan Moore (Product Owner, Matrix) commented
I was thinking the same actually. Either Account or Agency should be selected in order to save the activity. Like you, I'm not a fan of these orphan activities that barely do the user who put them in any good and only serve to boost numbers on the activity report in order to show that the rep did something. A change like this helps to make activities meaningful interactions that will support everyone from the current owner to future reps who are given the account, and for managers who are checking in on important customers!
Tom Frascatore commented
Thanks Ryan,
While you are reviewing, consider adding both Agency as a necessary field to make sure each activity is cross-referenced and associated. . .If a rep is having a agency lunch and learn, that might fall under agency as opposed to Account.
AdminRyan Moore (Product Owner, Matrix) commented
While we look into this and potentially prioritize it for the future, I recommend that your reps initiate their activities from either the Contact or Account profile pages. This will automatically fill in the Contact and/or Account for the user.
Then once completing that activity, I highly recommend using the "Save & Add Another" activity button as this will copy over necessary info from the first and make it even faster to add activities...not to mention always keep a next action plan in place!
Thanks for your feedback!