More Business Development Drop Down Options
Currently there is only 3 Biz Dev options in the drop down when adding activity: "meeting, phone, email".
There really needs to be more options. As an AE, I do A LOT of prospecting and am constantly adding activity, it would be great to have more buckets to categorize them. Ideas below:
-Social Media (which would refer to FB, IG, and LinkedIn)
-In Person or Drop-In (which would refer to a random in-person business drop in)
-Other (nice to have just in case there are one-off situations, like meeting someone in an air plane, at a networking event, at a bar, etc.)

I have passed this along to your Success Manager and she should be in touch with your corporate team to discuss it. It's a customizable field that would impact all users in the system and is up to them on how it is used.
Thanks for reaching out!