Forecast revenue
We need to be able to see the next year's billing by outlet under Revenue Comparison on the Deal pages. For example while it is Dec'20 I have already booked a good deal of orders for 2021 and while I am looking at a 1Q'21 Deal that I have forecasted I don't have the ability to see anything booked beyond 2020 in the Revenue Comparison portion at the bottom of the screen. This requires me to open another window of the application, run a Forecast Report and toggle between the two in order to see if the money has hit the 2021 books. Very inconvenient and has already led to double pending issues.
Side Note but related: Would also help to have rows in Pending Dollars match the order of the rows in Revenue Comparison so that you don't have to search all over the page to match them up. Previous version had corresponding rows and scrolled both windows in parallel which was very convenient.
Thanks much for your consideration!