Keep the information Grouped when Exporting Report
When exporting the report, the information does not stay grouped as it does when viewed in Matrix. For example, if I group Rev Types, it will be grouped in Matrix but when it is exported the totals are broken out into individual Rev Types.

That’s exactly how our reporting works. We might need more information in order to understand this better if you are still experiencing an issue, but for instance when I run the Forecast Report and I choose to view by Revenue Types, Grouped, I can then see the grouped Revenue Types on Screen in the first hierarchy. I then export to Excel (not CSV, that intentionally flattens results), and my Revenue Types are still grouped.
If you are experiencing an issue with this, please reach out to our support team and we can lend you a hand. Maybe it’s a specific hierarchy that you’re choosing or a specific report, or maybe a data cleansing issue on the back end?
Thank you!