AE Recently Imported Pod Monarch
Allow and AE to view what's been recently imported by selecting a specific time frame in Monarch

The Recently Booked Revenue data cards for Revenue Type and Outlet allow you to no w select a data range of Today, yesterday Last 7 Days, Last 14 Days, Last 30 days.
It also now has a Revenue Type or Outlet Filter for the respective data cards.
Anonymous commented
I like the "recently imported" function under the individual salesperson windows but unfortunately you can only go back roughly 1 month. Would be nice to look at previous quarters or perhaps even the year as a whole so you can easily track bookings for under or over performing salespeople.
Mike Martin commented
Managers can see the recently imported data from the individual AE's Sales Outlook in Monarch with timeframe controls, but it would be helpful to be able to see this information for the whole team. By having timeframe controls on data Cards such as 'Recently Booked Revenue by Outlet' would allow us to see the previous days revenue for the whole team.
Tim S commented
The AE recently imported with dates is missing from Monarch. It would be helpful as an AE to have this information available so I can look at what's been imported during a specific period of time.