Delete a Lead
AE's should be able to submit for a Lead to be deleted. Right now only Manager's have the ability to the AE's have to email/call the manager to delete it. AE's SHOULD have the ability to submit for a lead to be Deleted so everything is managed within Matrix.
2/11 – If an AE can create a lead, the AE can also delete the lead. This is handled from the Account List via the gear icon on each Lead.
the only thing that would stop them is if the lead has an Activity or Contact associated with it. In that case, the lead cannot be deleted until the Activities/Contacts have also been deleted or unaffiliated. That being said we’re looking into overriding that rule in a future release.
Because this functionality exists, I am going to decline the request. I’ve been in touch via email so don’t hesitate to reply back.
AdminRyan Moore (Product Owner, Matrix) commented
I will personally speak with the folks on the service team and see if we can't hook you up ;)
I totally agree keeping it all together and simple is the best method.
Stay tuned!
Anonymous commented
I'm so sorry but I didn't see your FIRST comment! If our AE's could have the "Delete" button ability that would be great. No need to submit it to a Manager/Asst that way. That's WAY better! :-)
Anonymous commented
Hi Ryan - thanks for the prompt response! It tends to be the case here at our station that if a Lead isn't moving to the Prospect phase the AE's tend to just keep it instead of emailing the Manager's to ask that it be moved to Inactive or Deleted. This could be because they want to continue trying it or it's just not a priority for them to be proactive in getting the Lead removed from them. We think a "submit to Delete" button might help them keep their Leads list a little more up to date. We're really focusing on doing everything we can within Matrix, so we figure this would be another way to help keep it in the system instead of having to find a manager to ask us to do this for them. :-)
AdminRyan Moore (Product Owner, Matrix) commented
an AE actually can delete a lead and prospect account. It all has to do with permissions. No need to submit anything to a manager or sales assistant unless you really wanted to.
It sounds like your permissions are turned off (which you can verify on the Permission tab located under "My Profile").
If you'd prefer to delete them yourself, we can make that happen immediately. If you'd prefer to have some sort of delete approval system...well this is the first we've heard of that and would need some time to think about it and see how others feel.
Let me know what you mean exactly.