allow the possiblity to PLUS UP sections in the BUDGET report when you EXPORT it.
In any report (except the Budget report) I am allowed to plus up sections/categories when I export it to Excel. I cannot, however, in the Budget report. I need this to be an option like it is in all other reports.
The Budget Report has been completely rewritten, including the export, which allows you to expand and collapse the hierarchies that you’ve set in place.
The new reports are rolling out right now, and we hope that this makes your life a bit easier down the road!
Thanks for letting us know about this pain point.
Anonymous commented
When you run a budget report and select AE, Outlet and Rev Type it will appear in the report field and you can expand it. However, when you download it all you see is the AE top level information with no detail for Outlet & Revenue type. We need to be able to expand the fields to see all the detail in the download.