Pacing and Weighted Forecast on the Same Report
Currently we use the Weighted Forecast feature in Matrix, and is only available on the Weighted Forecast report. Why can this not be available on the Pacing report as well? Especially when there is a Forecast column available.
You cannot limit the customer to one report when they depend on this figure throughout Matrix.
Pacing and Forecast dollars alone is not good enough since the AE's can "Pad" their forecasting numbers. Utilizing the Weighted Forecast information will give us a true representation if we will meet our Budget or not.
I would be more than happy to discuss this with you, and assist in any testing that would be needed. This is very import not only to State College, but also for the Forever Media Organization.

You now have access to a new report, Pacing with Sales Stages report that contains this information. You can access it from the Revenue Tab on the Reports page.
Here is a direct link to the quick reference guide that we have put together to help you understand the report:
Thanks for the great feedback!!