Please use this area to let us know what you like, dislike, or would change about the product and/or services in order to better meet your needs in the way you do business. If we ask for more information, please respond in order to ensure your ideas have a better chance of being made a reality!
26 results found
Home Page Default: Reports
I'm an admin with access to all accounts. To assure privacy on my highly visible workstation, it would be nice of my default screen opened to the Reports home page.
2 votesThis will probably not be happening. With our new alerts and news focus we’re creating a default Home page in a new version of Matrix and driving experience from there for each user type.
The good news is that Reports are still a click a way and performance is being improved drastically with the new version so we hope this only remains a minor inconvenience.
Alternatively you can always save the Reports page as a bookmark and use that as your entry to Matrix each day.
Thanks for reaching out to us!
have a same as contact information for advertiser contact
When I type in the contact address...I have to enter it twice if it is a local direct account. It would be nice if there were a same as contact information button that would import that info similar to when you buy something on-line and it has a same billing info as shipping check box.
2 votesDiscussed with Sandy while she was visiting your station. She will help explain the reasoning for our workflow and help with improving the efficiency with a few of our cool shortcuts as discussed in my comment (contacts inheriting advertiser/agency address information)
Thanks for reaching out to us!
Allow for only First name in contact / Emails not recognized
There are a lot of emial addresses that are not recognized. It makes it difficult to enter contact info. Too many restrictions on entering names.
2 votesDeclining due to lack of clarification and/or understanding. If you still feel strongly about this request, we encourage you to enter it again with additional information so that we can better understand your needs and hopefully develop a solution!
2 votes
Declining due to lack of activity and requested clarification from 7/24/12
If you believe this enhancement will be of great use to you and other users, please resubmit it along with additional information so that we can begin discussing how to handle it.
Deals can be closed by any manager with access, or they can be picked up by the new AE receiving the accounts.
2 votes
Declining due to lack of activity and requested clarification from 7/24/12
If you believe this enhancement will be of great use to you and other users, please resubmit it along with additional information so that we can begin discussing how to handle it.
Include contacts with Account List Export
when exporting the Account list, have the Contact Information come over with the account.
2 votesDeclining due to lack of clarification and/or understanding. If you still feel strongly about this request, we encourage you to enter it again with additional information so that we can better understand your needs and hopefully develop a solution!
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