Outlook to Matrix Calendar - help me help my managers
I understand that we can create an activity in Matrix and save to our outlook calendar, but I would love a way to go from Outlook > Martix. For example, we could BCC an appointment from Outlook to Matrix just like we can emails. Our managers need to be able to track our activities in Matrix, however it is a hassle for us to re-create all our outlook meetings to the matrix calendar for them to see. It's also a hassle to stop working, log into Matrix, create the appointment, save to outlook, THEN forward to our clients. Especially when we put notes into Matrix that we don't want our client to see. It needs to be the other way around so we can save the general event, cc matrix and then go back into matrix later to update any notes etc. that my manager and I can look at after the fact. I have 20 appointments a week sometimes and that is a LOT to copy over to Matrix, which is why I LOVE being able to BCC my emails so they can at least see I'm working. Thx.