I need to be able to see ALL of my proposed and pending deals immediately.
Changing the Proposed and Pending deals off of the Bird's Eye View was a mistake. I can't quickly look at the deals I am currently working towards closing. The new change is simply unacceptable.
We understand the frustration that you must be feeling to have logged in and found all of these new changes. It would certainly be a jolt to me if I came into work on Monday and had to change my routine.
I’ve listed some of our rationale for the changes and offered up some alternative solutions for getting the information you are looking for. we feel they’re even faster than the My Deals pod ever was due to the additional functionality that can be done from those locations.
I encourage you to give this new experience a shot and if you aren’t satisfied after a couple of weeks, please reach back out to us. We’ll spend some time reviewing your process and how you use Matrix via a Webex in order to better learn your specific needs.
AdminRyan Moore (Product Owner, Matrix) commented
We didn't remove proposed deals or the ability to see them all together. All users still have access to see a list of their proposed deals via the Deals List from the green menu on top.
We recognized that the pod was redundant with the list and this provided an opportunity to create something new and more useful with auto-closing deals and showing what dollars were imported each day.
Sort your deal list on Status and you have what used to be there.
AdminRyan Moore (Product Owner, Matrix) commented
We understand the frustration that you must be feeling to have logged in and found all of these new changes. It would certainly be a jolt to me if I came into work on Monday and had to change my routine.
Let me reassure you that the functionality you were used to still exists within Matrix, but it is in a different location. The pod you are referring to was actually redundant so we felt confident in removing that feature in favor of the new Recently Imported pod which enables you to quickly edit/close deals as well as track the day to day changes as they are imported from traffic.
This functionality exists under the Lists -> Deals menu. Here you can find all deals that are open to you. If you sort by Status, you can rebuild your pipeline that the old My Deals pod provided to you. This list is a bit cleaner while offering the same great information about the deals you are working towards closing.
I'd also encourage you to click the new Deals button in the top navigation. This will provide you another view of all of your deals, but this time from an account centered instead of a deal by deal basis. On the left you will find your entire account list and the amount of dollars pending for each account. There is no time restriction just like the old My Deals pod and this is the fastest way to quickly update your deals (especially if you lock the pod in place!)
I encourage you to give this new experience a shot and if you aren't satisfied after a couple of weeks, please reach back out to us. We'll spend some time reviewing your process and how you use Matrix via a Webex in order to better learn your specific needs.
Thank you for your time, and I hope I've been able to explain some of the rationale behind our decisions and show you alternative ways of getting the same or similar information that the My Deals pod previous supplied.
Sorry for the inconvenience.