Account Reassignment Report
It would be great to have a report that shows the accounts that were transferred to a specific AE over the past year. This would help see the timeframe and how long an AE was assigned an account.
Chuck Lewis commented (Gray) suggested to have a Report that a User can enter any time frame to see what / when a Reassignment happened from who to who
Sandy G commented
Gray - Matt Bowman GSM WECT requesting this report as well.
Ryan Silbaugh commented
I have interest from Tegna and Griffin on the ability to run a report that will allow you to see reassignment details for accounts.
The ability to see reassignment date/creation date/activity date in a single view.
Short term, there is interest for reporting off of this data.
Long term, the ability to have this info within the account list likely makes the most sense, and be able to export if reporting is necessary.
Chase Cornelius commented
Show me a list of all of the accounts I have reassigned and when. So I can follow up with the new AE. Right now I have to export to excel.