Historical billing should stay on original account owner during reassignment
historical billing should stay on original account owner during reassignment and the new owner should only get a view of that revenue from the Account / Agency Profile pages.

Chris Van Leuven commented
For Example, keep Jan, Feb, Mar on AE 1, then reassign April FWD to new AE, instead of entire billing history being reassigned.
Cindy Stone commented
Cindy Stone
I am in the process of assigning accounts in Matrix to a new sales person. I am moving these accounts from the AEs who were babysitting. The thing is when I re-assign the account the former AE loses the historical 2017 revenue which counted toward their monthly budget.For example, when I re-assign the account, the former AE (who had October revenue) loses the October revenue that was counting into their October budget.
The only way I can even remotely keep track of this is to create an Excel spreadsheet, and type in the book $'s up to the month was reassign, and use this moving forward instead of Matrix.
I know I am not the only person that has this problem, and it would be a very good selling point if Matrix would retain the booked $'s under the previous AE for budget purposes only. Meaning history would move with the reassignment has it does today, but will show when viewing anything with Budget information
Melanie Brightwell commented
This is an outstanding idea. When my company re-assigns accounts, all relational history is lost.
Andres Paz commented
Could we implement a start date when re-assigning acccount?
I re-assigned an account from one ae to another starting July 2014, there is history in Q2 and we pay a quarterly bonus, the ae that was handling the account in q2 should be compensated for q2 but the $ shows on the new ae.This problem also aplies when a salesperson leaves, I want to re-assign right away but I don't want to pay a bonus for the history from a previous ae
Shae Comstock commented
We are really struggling with keeping track of what billing belonged to an AE at a point in time after the account has been transferred.
Since we are motivated by commission (monthly, YTD or Yearly), it is almost impossible to use Matrix to provide us with this information. As a result we are dependent on Excel spreadsheets and Traffic reports.
We really need your help in creating a solution that will provide us with a report that will show who owned what account at a point and time, as well as, the commission earned.