Could we bring back the report title automatically exporting to the Excel/CSV download and not disappearing upon filter changes?
Report Title Exporting n saved reports

The report name (I’m assuming you mean the custom name you’ve given to a favorite report) is specific to the report as it was configured. This means the exact filters, hierarchies and options match up with that name. When you change something, you effectively are no longer running the saved favorite report and are creating a new report.
In order to export with the report name that you created, you would need to overwrite your previously saved favorite. This is likely not what you want to do as you’re possibly changing a group of salespeople or maybe removing a revenue type to tweak it a bit, but I wanted to make sure you understood why it is doing what it is doing.
Thank you for the feedback. We hope this helps you to understand the method to our madness, so to speak, and that you continue to provide feedback on your usage!